Understanding Yantra Puja and how can you benefit from it in Hinduism

Yantra is used in Hinduism and Buddhism, as well as Islam. Yantra is an integral part of puja ceremonies in Hinduism. You will find that Yantra is an important part of Hinduism’s tantric scriptures. It acts as the source for divine energy. These Yantra are adorned with specific geometrical shapes, symbols, and Bij mantras. These yantras are made of specific metals like copper, bronze, Panch Dhaatu, Ashtadhatu, and Ashtadhatu. They can also be made from woods, crystals, and Bhojpatras in either two-dimensional or three-dimensional forms. Tantra Shashtra gives special significance and meaning to the shapes, symbols, and Bij mantras that are drawn on yantras. These Yantras can be worshipped per tantric scriptures to attract the energy of the deity they represent Best Online Puja Services.

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Yantras were created by ancient sages, yogis, and for the purpose of being an alternative to mantra puja. Yantra puja allows one to connect to the divine energy easily. Focusing on the energized Yantra will produce an equal result to chanting or meditating siddha mantra is all you have to do. This is the physical means of connecting with the divine energy. You are being filled up with positive energy that removes the negative vibrations.

Yantra is much more than a metal piece with certain shapes, symbols, letters/characters. These yantras are prepared according to the Tantra scriptures. A Yantra is normally prepared with the name and Bij mantra of the deity being represented in it. It can also contain the entire text of the mantra that was written while it was being prepared.

After Yantra is prepared/crafted on metal, paper or wood, the next step is energy induction in Yantra per Vedic/Tantric method. This ceremony is known as ‘Pranprathishtha’, meaning that it brings life to the Yantra. According to tantric and Vedic scriptures, Yantras/Idols can be energized by worshiping and chanting specific mantras. These mantras should be prepared according to Vedic instructions. The worshipper will experience the same benefit as mantra puja when these Yantras are energized by divine energy. All they have to do is focus on the Yantra’s image.

Yantra, an occult science, is mentioned in various religious texts. Yantra is drawn only on certain metals and woods to ensure it has more energy. All materials have different energy holding capacities. Yantra only shows certain geometrical shapes because they have a specific impact on our conscience. Worshipping these yantras creates a cocoon of Sattvic energies around us.

Yantra can be described as a symbolic diagrammatic representation or part of the human body. It represents many aspects of life, including spiritual and material, as well as the Nadi centres, shad chakras, and Nadi centers. Proper tantric rituals are recommended if you want to get faster results. You can perform various tantric rituals, including

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